Art Activity Applications accepted through May 10

Jane Wise


My Process

I take tons of photos on my jaunts. These get reviewed and narrowed down to the best ones. I start out sketching reality. Then I adjust or depart from reality or merge several objects or photos into one composition. Once a sketch idea is ready, I pencil draw it onto watercolor paper and paint it.

My Inspiration

I make art to create something beautiful or to capture an idea or feeling. Nature and nostalgia inspire me; so I visit antique shops and go hiking & biking. I like the textures, graphic design, and odd shapes of old objects and buildings and imagine their use and the stories that go with them.

Fun Facts

I tried plein air painting recently, and it is a challenging and humbling experience. I don't usually paint fast. Also, nature is unpredictable. But I love being outside and trying to capture the mood of a place. I sometimes use my fingers to paint or smudge the work.

Studio: Jane Wise Arts

Online Sales: No

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