Art Activity Applications accepted through May 10

Sean Redmond


My Process

My ceramics work is based on the technique of sgraffito, where you crave into the clay after underglaze has been applied on greenware pottery. My wood panel lights are all hand-cut with a jigsaw, sanded, painted and then assembled together while weaving in LED lights.

My Inspiration

The inspiration of my work comes from my arduous journey of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail back in 2018. I was surrounded by east coast mountains/nature experiencing breathless sunrises, foggy mornings, and epic sunsets cascading over ridge lines. These memories are reflected in my work.

Fun Facts

The start of my artwork came from my Master's Degree program where I created my first wood panel light sculpture. Our assignment was to create with light and that's how my art began to develop. My artwork truly comes from personal experiences combined with my life's career teaching art.

Studio: Redmond Made

Online Sales: No

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